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International Students - How to Apply

皮马社区学院自豪地接待了来自约50个国家的国际学生. Our team is here to help you!

皮马提供学术太阳城官网和英语作为第二语言(ESL)培训. 如果你还没有达到学术太阳城官网的英语水平,你可以从我们的太阳城官网开始 ESL courses. 完成ESL培训后,您可以直接转入学术太阳城官网.

国际学生没有资格申请付款计划(Payment Plan Exclusions). Pay all tuition and fees in full by the payment deadline before classes start; otherwise, your registration could be dropped/deleted.

Do you have a question about your application? 请将您的查询和申请文件发送至 and we will respond to you shortly!

你必须满足一定的要求才能在皮马社区学院全日制学习, F-1 student. Please follow these steps to complete your application. Once admitted, a Form I-20 will be issued to you.

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Semester: July 10
  • Spring Semester: November 10

所有入学要求必须在截止日期前满足. 请预留足够的时间在美国大使馆或领事馆获得F-1签证. 如果你不能在太阳城官网开始前带着学生签证到达, your application must be deferred or canceled. 您可以在这里查看预计签证预约等待时间: Visa Appointment Wait Times

Application Process

  • Step 1: Complete the online application: Apply to Pima.
    • For academic programs
      • 要申请I-20学术表格,你必须选择一个具体的 program of study on your application. 你不能选择“未决定”或“未申报”."
      • F-1学生每学期必须在校园里至少修9个面对面学分. 如果你选择的太阳城官网不能提供足够的校内学分, 你可能需要在你的学习计划之外参加额外的太阳城官网,或者改变你的学习计划来满足要求.
      • 如果你将来打算转到四年制大学, 请选择以下三种转学学位之一:
    • For ESL training, you must take all classes in person.
  • Step 2: Provide a copy of your current passport.
  • Step 3: Fill out the Affidavit of Support form. 宣誓书必须与正式的银行对账单副本一起提交, including the information of the account owner's name, bank name/logo, account type, statement date, currency, and account balance.
  • Step 4: English proficiency or competency
    • To qualify for an academic program, Proof of English Proficiency is required.
    • 为了获得参加ESL培训的资格,需要提供英语能力证明. Please choose one of the following.
      • Duolingo English Test with a minimum score of 35
      • 学院ESL分班考试060级(您可以在提交所有其他所需文件后参加此分班考试)
  • Step 5: For academic programs, 提供高中成绩单和/或文凭复印件, properly translated into English. ESL培训不需要高中成绩单, 但是当你完成ESL培训后转入学术太阳城官网时,你必须提供这些材料.

你必须满足一定的要求才能在皮马社区学院全日制学习, F-1 student. Please follow these steps to complete your application. Once admitted, a Form I-20 will be issued to you. The I-20 form is issued on a semester basis. You must request to extend your I-20 every semester.

Border commuter student eligibility

  • Must enroll in a minimum of 6 credits each semester.
  • Must be a resident of Mexico.
  • 持此签证在墨西哥学习期间保持居住.
  • 在陆地边境入境口岸申请入境,并在每天结束前离境.

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Semester: July 10
  • Spring Semester: November 10

所有入学要求必须在截止日期前满足. 请预留足够的时间在美国大使馆或领事馆获得F-1签证. 如果你不能在太阳城官网开始前带着学生签证到达, your application must be deferred or canceled. 您可以在这里查看预计签证预约等待时间: Visa Appointment Wait Times

Application Process

  • Step 1: Complete the online application: Apply to Pima.
    • For academic programs
      • 要申请I-20学术表格,你必须选择一个具体的 program of study on your application. 你不能选择“未决定”或“未申报”."
      • F-1学生每学期必须在校学习至少6个面对面学分. 如果你选择的太阳城官网不能提供足够的校内学分, 你可能需要在你的学习计划之外参加额外的太阳城官网,或者改变你的学习计划来满足要求.
      • 如果你将来打算转到四年制大学, 请选择以下三种转学学位之一:
    • 对于ESL培训,您必须每学期亲自参加至少两门ESL太阳城官网.
  • Step 2: Provide a copy of your current passport.
  • Step 3: Fill out the Affidavit of Support 宣誓书必须与正式的银行对账单副本一起提交, including the information of the account owner's name, bank name/logo, account type, statement date, currency, and account balance.
  • Step 4: English proficiency or competency
    • To qualify for an academic program, Proof of English Proficiency is required.
    • 为了获得参加ESL培训的资格,需要提供英语能力证明. Please choose one of the following.
      • Duolingo English Test with a minimum score of 35
      • 学院ESL分班考试060级(您可以在提交所有其他所需文件后参加此分班考试)
  • Step 5: For academic programs, 提供高中成绩单和/或文凭复印件, properly translated into English. ESL培训不需要高中成绩单, 但是当你完成ESL培训后转入学术太阳城官网时,你必须提供这些材料.

如果你是F1学生,想转到皮马社区学院, you can apply to transfer your SEVIS record to Pima.

  • 如果您当前的机构已经完成或终止了您的SEVIS记录, 你不再有资格转学,必须以新的F-1学生身份申请.
  • 所有入学要求必须在截止日期前满足.
  • 您的SEVIS记录必须在太阳城官网开始日期前至少三天转移到Pima, 否则你的入学资格将被取消或推迟到下一个可用的学期.

Application Deadlines

  • Academic Programs
    • Fall Semester: July 20
    • Spring Semester: December 20
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) Training
    • Fall Semester: August 20
    • Spring Semester: January 20

Application Process

  • Step 1: Complete the online application: Apply to Pima.
    • For academic programs
      • 要申请I-20学术表格,你必须选择一个具体的 program of study on your application. 你不能选择“未决定”或“未申报”."
      • F-1学生每学期必须在校园里至少修9个面对面学分. 如果你选择的太阳城官网不能提供足够的校内学分, 你可能需要在你的学习计划之外参加额外的太阳城官网,或者改变你的学习计划来满足要求.
      • 如果你将来打算转到四年制大学, 请选择以下三种转学学位之一:
    • For ESL training, you must take all classes in person.
  • Step 2: Provide a copy of your current passport.
  • Step 3: Fill out the Affidavit of Support form. 宣誓书必须与正式的银行对账单副本一起提交, including the information of the account owner's name, bank name/logo, account type, statement date, currency, and account balance.
  • 第四步:提供当前F-1学生签证的复印件
  • Step 5: Provide copies of all your I-20 form(s)
  • 第六步:提供你以前和现在的非正式成绩单副本
  • Step 7: English proficiency or competency
    • To qualify for an academic program, Proof of English Proficiency is required.
    • 为了获得参加ESL培训的资格,需要提供英语能力证明. Please choose one of the following.
      • Duolingo English Test with a minimum score of 35
      • 学院ESL分班考试060级(您可以在提交所有其他所需文件后参加此分班考试)
  • 第八步:提供您目前的DSO的姓名和电子邮件地址
  • Step 9: Provide your US address. If you have your Tucson address, please provide it.

  • Step 1: Receive DSO approval if applicable
    • 如果你是注册在亚利桑那大学(UA)的F-1国际学生,并希望在皮马同时上课, 你必须首先获得亚利桑那大学国际学生服务办公室(ISSO)的批准。. To apply for approval, 请访问亚利桑那大学的网站,搜索“同步招生”.“一旦您的申请被批准,UA ISSO将通知PCC的国际中心. 如果您想了解更多细节,请直接与UA ISSO联系. 需要注意的是,这种授权是按学期授予的, 所以你必须在每学期注册皮马太阳城官网之前通过你的UA ISSO申请.
    • 如果您是亚利桑那大学以外的其他大学/学院的F-1国际学生, 你所在的学校可能会要求你在皮马上课前获得授权. 请在上课前联系您的DSO进行确认.
  • Step 2: Complete the online application: Apply to Pima
  • Step 3: Provide a copy of your current passport
  • 第四步:提供当前F-1学生签证的复印件
  • Step 5: Provide a copy of your current I-20 Form
  • 第六步:提供你最近的非正式成绩单复印件

Other than F-1 status, 一些具有特定签证身份的非移民可以全日制或非全日制上学. Please visit the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Guidance for more information on which visas are allowed for study. 如果你计划以符合条件的非移民身份在皮马上课,而不是F-1, 请按照以下步骤完成您的申请.

  • Step 1: Complete the online application: Apply to Pima
  • Step 2: Provide a copy of your current passport.
  • Step 3: Provide a copy of your current visa.
  • Step 1: Complete the online application: Apply to Pima
  • Step 2: Provide a copy of your current passport.
  • Step 3: Proof of English Proficiency 对学术/学位太阳城官网感兴趣的学生需要什么.

Please note: Please feel free to contact us via email at 如有任何问题或需要帮助,请致电520-206-6732.

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